It's Party Time...

Greetings! This is Micah...
So today is the day. I remember a year ago, I was sitting in the hospital, holding a sweet child that the Lord brought into our lives. No, this child was not mine…it was my sisters. The baby was my nephew Micah. I was at the whole birth. I had some mental disturbances after he was born, haha but I think im fine now. However, I remember the first time my sister asked me if I wanted to hold the baby. I was scared tho, cuz he was freshly out of the womb, and I was afraid I was going to hurt him. However, when I got the gutts to hold him, I thought, I love this baby, Ive waited 9 long months for this child to come out, and now he finally was here. Ever since then, Ive loved Micah so much. I will always love that boy, no matter how winy or how annoying he can get. He is so precious. Its so amazing how much hes grown up in the last year. I remember when all he could do, is lay there, like a loaf of bread, and his only communication was a faint cry. I remember when daily everyone would gaze at him, and bet on what color eyes he’d have. I remember when he finally started to laugh when u started tickling him, instead of just laying there, motionless. I remember when we were so amazed when he was finally able to crawl around. I remember when he began saying his first noises like, Da, or Ma. I remember when he got his first tooth, and now he has like 5 of them. I remember when we were so thrilled when he was able to start walking. Id sit there for hours with Nick just having him walk back and forth between us. I remember when he started recognizing who Mommy was, and Grandma, Daddy, Andrew, Me and so forth. I think about how he now can copy what u do, Im a living example for Micah. And I want to be the best example for him. He is my baby. He has grown up so much. And now he is One years old, today. So today, is his day. We are going out on a boat ride, we are going to go tubing and have a bbq. Its going to be so much fun. All of Micah’s grandparents are going to be there, and so are all his aunts and uncles. Haha. So, I dedicate this post to Micah Landon Beard, the cutest bestest sweetest one year old nephew a girl could ever ask for!
At 4:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey , my niece is a year old today too. I remember seeing you guys in the hall while suzanne was in labor with lily. Isn't being aunt the best. I love my little niece and nephew soo much. They are my favorite people to hang out with : ) well, congrats on having such a cute little nephew.
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