Scary Movies, Through Amber's Eyes
So lately, I've been watching alot of scary movies. I don't know why this is happening, but it seems like every week, I watch a new scary movie. I havent been on a scary movie craze for a long time. Here is my review of the past four scary movies I 've watched these past couple of weeks.
White Noise- This movie was actually quite good. It was more suspensful than scary. Plus, it wasn't gorry. I am not a big fan of gutts and blood, however, I like to feel on the edge sometimes. It caused you to think alittle, and I like those kind of movies. This movie was really clean, surprisingly. When I first saw the preview to this movie, I thought it was going to be really really scary. However, it turned out good. I think the only reason why I might have seemed alittle scared while watching this movie was because I had April on one side of me, freaking out, and screaming in my ear. However, it was evened out with Zach on the other side being rather calm, with his great sense of criticism, which made me laugh more at the movie than be frightened.
I actually watched this movie twice. The second time was with my mom. After the movie , she brought up a really good point. That there is a spirit world out there. But we, only associate that with scary movies or frightening images. However, this isnt the case. Because we have a holy spirit, which is not frightening. But, she didnt fail to mention, that there are evil spirits out there, just like the three that were killing people, in the movie.
Darkness - I was passing through the large selection of movies at Blockbuster when I came across this one. So I told my mom to get it, but she first went and asked an employee there, if it was any good. He said it was , and it had a good plot, however it was not rated, but in theaters they rated it as R for gore. So, eventually, my mom decided to get it. I think this movie was okay. It was pretty scary, I had to leave some of the hall lights on for awhile..haha until my mom would come and turn them off. This movie did have alot of blood in it, and it used a lot of old images...from the early days. So that was pretty weird. But there really wasnt any scary dead people with ripped off faces walking around. SO that was good. Also, the movie did have a twist, which was nice. I just think that some of the characters became rather annoying. However, others may think differently.
The Boogie Man - I thought I had seen previews for this movie, and it looked good. However, when I started watching it, I realized, that I was thinking of that other scary movie with Dakota Fanning in it. This movie was pretty good. It was jumpy, but it didnt have scary images in it. It was one of those , where u can tell something bad was going to happen with that crazy music in the background. The plot was kinda confusing at first, but towards the end, it became more clear. However, I think that they ended the movie wrong. It just kinda got cut off it seems . When the movie was over, I was like, "woah, that was a short movie, it was only like 60 minutes or so.." but it really was over that. So , its time consuming. haha.
The Ring - So last night, I watched the Ring for a 3rd time, but I watched it with my mom. I kinda had to explain things throughout the movie, so it wasnt as scary. And you know how they have how many days left pop up on the tv? well everytime my mom was like...what did that say? haha it was rather annoying. But, I think the only thing that has ever made this movie scary was the little girl. Of course, haha she is the antagonist of the whole thing. But why did they choose her? She is just soo scary looking with her long black hair. I mean, nothing else is even scary in the movie. Its just scary like when she crawls out of the well, i mean, How normal is that? its freaky, however, if u think about it long enough, it really isnt. Its kinda ... funny. Hahaha, what movies do to your head....
White Noise- This movie was actually quite good. It was more suspensful than scary. Plus, it wasn't gorry. I am not a big fan of gutts and blood, however, I like to feel on the edge sometimes. It caused you to think alittle, and I like those kind of movies. This movie was really clean, surprisingly. When I first saw the preview to this movie, I thought it was going to be really really scary. However, it turned out good. I think the only reason why I might have seemed alittle scared while watching this movie was because I had April on one side of me, freaking out, and screaming in my ear. However, it was evened out with Zach on the other side being rather calm, with his great sense of criticism, which made me laugh more at the movie than be frightened.
I actually watched this movie twice. The second time was with my mom. After the movie , she brought up a really good point. That there is a spirit world out there. But we, only associate that with scary movies or frightening images. However, this isnt the case. Because we have a holy spirit, which is not frightening. But, she didnt fail to mention, that there are evil spirits out there, just like the three that were killing people, in the movie.
Darkness - I was passing through the large selection of movies at Blockbuster when I came across this one. So I told my mom to get it, but she first went and asked an employee there, if it was any good. He said it was , and it had a good plot, however it was not rated, but in theaters they rated it as R for gore. So, eventually, my mom decided to get it. I think this movie was okay. It was pretty scary, I had to leave some of the hall lights on for awhile..haha until my mom would come and turn them off. This movie did have alot of blood in it, and it used a lot of old images...from the early days. So that was pretty weird. But there really wasnt any scary dead people with ripped off faces walking around. SO that was good. Also, the movie did have a twist, which was nice. I just think that some of the characters became rather annoying. However, others may think differently.
The Boogie Man - I thought I had seen previews for this movie, and it looked good. However, when I started watching it, I realized, that I was thinking of that other scary movie with Dakota Fanning in it. This movie was pretty good. It was jumpy, but it didnt have scary images in it. It was one of those , where u can tell something bad was going to happen with that crazy music in the background. The plot was kinda confusing at first, but towards the end, it became more clear. However, I think that they ended the movie wrong. It just kinda got cut off it seems . When the movie was over, I was like, "woah, that was a short movie, it was only like 60 minutes or so.." but it really was over that. So , its time consuming. haha.
The Ring - So last night, I watched the Ring for a 3rd time, but I watched it with my mom. I kinda had to explain things throughout the movie, so it wasnt as scary. And you know how they have how many days left pop up on the tv? well everytime my mom was like...what did that say? haha it was rather annoying. But, I think the only thing that has ever made this movie scary was the little girl. Of course, haha she is the antagonist of the whole thing. But why did they choose her? She is just soo scary looking with her long black hair. I mean, nothing else is even scary in the movie. Its just scary like when she crawls out of the well, i mean, How normal is that? its freaky, however, if u think about it long enough, it really isnt. Its kinda ... funny. Hahaha, what movies do to your head....
At 2:47 PM,
Ambular said…
haha , aww poor ashley. Oh, and its not darkness falls, its darkness, it jsut came out.
At 8:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
oh my gosh I never really watch scary movies so when i do I am a huge baby about it. I watched white noise at the glenns last sunday. It was nice because I had a good support group of other scared people. But then I had to drive home I was so freaked out, I wanted to listen to christian music but it was all staticy. Then when I got home my mom and dad left all the outside lights off. and I had to walk all the way from the garage in the dark . it was a scary night. I dont know why I think I like scary movies.
At 9:59 AM,
Sadie Lou said…
I hate scary movies now. I used to watch one every now and again (like once a year) but like Roz, I'm a huge baby.
The last scary movie I watched was Ju-On which is the Japanese original version of The Grudge (which I heard was not that scary). I didn't sleep soundly for at least a couple of days.
The one before that, The Ring, is by the same director and even Dan was scared! Imagine that!
I look to him for comfort and he's hiding behind his pillow!
I'm just done with scary movies for at least awhile.
There's a movie coming out soon called High Tension. Don't see it.
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