Persuasive Speech : The Truth About Our Underwater Ally

This morning, while eating breakfast, Justin was saying that he knows the real story about the Lock Ness monster. My parents and I kind of looked at each other like, Ok? He was saying that last night, at Bible study, Eli told the real story. He said that several had known the real story, however, they did not tell much people because they thought it was funny, how everyone reacted. Here is what supposedly happened. The night before the �lock ness� pictures were taken, an elephant had escaped from the nearby circus. One night, it came to the banks of the lake, and swam across it. During its transport across the river, a drunken doctor was nearby. He, thinking it was some kind of ancient being, because he was delusional, decided to take pictures. And that is where we get the lock nessed monster. It was really just the trunk of the elephant that was out of the waters; however the doctor said it was the head of some large creature. The next day, people found the elephant on the other side of the lake.
After Justin told us this story, we were all like, �you believed that?� And he said that it was a proven fact. We all laughed at him. Then we asked him what brought up this conversation about Nessy. He said that during the study, they were talking about speech, and persuasive speech. He went on to say, how someone can make up a really good story, and persuade someone, just like the myth of the lock ness monster. However, he was in his own trap. He did not understand that the story he believed, was a persuasive speech.
Its funny how much we believe silly stories that people make up, especially when someone we trust tells us it. I remember not too long ago my mom was saying we should go �snipe� hunting. She told me all about it, and I believed her. However I soon found out it was a joke to make you look like a fool. We need to be more careful about what we hear, and then believe. We need to search it out and get evidence before we go spreading it to others. Otherwise, we wont ever know the truth.
At 5:01 PM,
Sadie Lou said…
When my sisters were like, I don't know, 8 and 6, I took them for a walk out in the back part of Lyman Gilmore School. There's this ropes course there. I told them that one time, I was on the 80ft. zip line when I saw a unicorn drinking from the NID ditch. I told them that nobody else could see it because they were on the ground and I was 80ft. up in the air. They totally bought it.
At 12:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
THE LOCH NESS MONSTER IS REAL! and so is the f****** easter bunny. ya whatever.
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