A Day in the Life of Amber

Ramblings about the nonsense I encounter...

Friday, September 30, 2005

Let's see how much you know....

Hey guys, so here is something I found. Think hard....

There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush.

By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth, he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.

Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?

Have fun!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Oh what a Weekend!

So this weekend was really fun. As in Saturday mainly...We went down to San Francisco. But on our way down, we stopped at a museum. But lemme recap it all for you.

So our plan was to leave at 8am. However, since we are never on time, we actually left around 9. Our main purpose for driving down there was to pick up my brother Tim from my brother Matt's house, because Tim had just got back from his mission field : Okinawa, Japan. But anywho. We were driving the 15 passenger van, full with 15 passengers. I listened to some good tunes driving down. We had to take quite a few stops on our way down, because, some people's bladders are like the size of peas, and just cant hold anything. Luckily, I was not one of those people. I just laughed when we pulled into a gas station, after several ppl were saying how they are about to pop they have to go so bad, and on of the employees tells them they cant use the bathroom because they cant find the key. Hahaha, it was pretty funny. Poor babies, they looked really angry, but we made it to the Museum just in time for them to empty themselves. The museum was in San Hose. It was an Egyptian Museum. We went there, because, one of the classes we are studying is titled "Ancient History". However, its really a Bible course, that goes in depth on certain areas and biblical happenings there. And since the school system wont allow you to take courses with Biblical names, we changed it to Ancient History. So we stayed at the museum till about 4ish. The place was really cool though, because the whole outside of the musuem was dressed up to look Egyptian, it wasnt just your ordinary building. I learned quite a few things while being there, and loved looking at different artifacts and whatnot. However, some things about Museums just bug me. Okay first off, why are museums so quiet? I mean, everyone is just looking around, its not like they need their full concentration on the stuff they see. So I feel like i shouldnt be talking, otherwise, I may cause to the person next to me to loose their train of thought on the wooden rings they were looking at. Second, doesnt it seem like the front desk head guy always seem to be alittle creepy. I mean, the one we had deserved to have a British accent, which would have completed his look. However, he didnt. But, he did give off some creepy looks, as if he and the whole museum were hiding something. Like the the mummies and himself were going to attack us. I dunno , he also kidna watched us as if we were going to rub him. Plus, when we would ask him questions, hed pause for a long time before answering. And answer very quietly and short after that. And thirdly, personally, I dont think anyone under the age of 50 should be allowed in there. Because, everything is either in a class case, or has a do not touch sign on it. BUt of course, I did touch them, eventho I wasnt doing it properly. It should definitely be illegal for our family to be in there. We are like a tornada sweeping through. We are so obnoxious and just laugh really loud, say inappropriate things, and just pretty much dont fit the proper requirements for being in a museum. I think that if you are under that age, you should atleast be a mute, or have no arms. However, it was a fun expierence, and Im sure it was also for the head desk guy. Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out.

After the museum, we headed down to San Francisco. I had never been there before, but my mom said it reminded her of Sodom and Gomorrah. She was right. When we got there, it discusted me, what I saw. I couldnt believe my brother actually likes living there. I mean, it would be fun to visit, but to live, Id choose Grass Valley anyday. First thing I noticed ,was just its filthiness. Garbage everywhere! And to top that off, there were so much homeless people walking around, or sleeping on the streets. It was so sad. I mean, I didnt feel bad for the person, it was just the whole idea of them ruining their lives and just not trying. Creepy how they walk around in the middle of the streets with all these signs. It was annoying how people got so impatient, and you just hear horns being honked everywehre. Also, driving through San Fransico, atleast the downtown part, you pass so many bad places. I mean, you might as well cover your eyes. That city should have a rating of like R. I could just feel the sin. It was creepy. It was also sad to know that that is where my neice will be growing up. However, things did change when we got to Matt's apartment. It was really nice, and the little back yard/picnic area was really nice. It was smack in the middle of the rest of the apartment buildings, so we couldnt see the outside world. It felt nice. We had fun bbq'ing and just chatting for a bit. It was cold though.

Thats Teddy, Nick and I, freezing our buns off.

So we didnt stay too long. After that, we went home, and went to bed. It was really nice to know the town that I live in. ANd how I can just go to the grocery store, and see a ton of ppl I kno. I am blessed.

And so we began our journey happily!

Some of the Stuff we saw was creepy....even scary...

...However we were altogether entertained or amused!


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Back IN Action!

Hello All--
So if you were wondering why I wasnt posting for a couple weeks, it was because I had forgotten my username and password. Normally, it signs me in automatically, so I didnt memorize them. But, I got signed out somehow, and therefore, I had to try and recover them, by typing in all the usernames I ever had, and all the passwords. Didnt work. I mean, I didnt do this in one day. I tried a few every so often. But then , I realized how you can recover it through email. SO that is what I did, and I changed my password to something I would def remember, a password used for many other things of mine. So its all good now.

This post is going to be kinda random. But, the other day, my friend and I were talking about different bands we are into. The convo then moved to the crazy names these bands had, and why in the world someone would want that as a band name. Its funny how we look from the outside in, and ask, What made them think of that? But all bands have a reason as to why their name is the way it is. Take The Distillers for instance.

"I saw it one this distillery in Melbourne; I'm from Australia originally. I lived in Geelong when I was 16, which is this small, industrial beach town. It's an hour outside of Melbourne, so you had to catch the train and one day I went by this distillery. It was falling down and looked like it was haunted by some cypress trees-it said The Distillers on the top, like 1878. I thought it was a great name for a band, so I always kept it."

Who wouldve thought that little thing triggered the name.

Or, another example, where did The Killers get their name?

"The band took their name from a New Order video titled 'Crystal'. It was featured on the bass drum of a fictional band in the video."

Here are some really awkard band names I know, and wonder how they came up with it :
I can make a mess like nobody's business
bloc party
Ted Leo and the pharmacists
Hot Hot Heat
Death Cab for Cutie
The Click Five
Built to Spill
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Flaming Lips

...and the list can go on

Its almost as if some people just decided to have their name the first thing they saw, or thought of. Like Orange Cone, or Wood Chair. Woah, sometimes....
