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Hello All--
So if you were wondering why I wasnt posting for a couple weeks, it was because I had forgotten my username and password. Normally, it signs me in automatically, so I didnt memorize them. But, I got signed out somehow, and therefore, I had to try and recover them, by typing in all the usernames I ever had, and all the passwords. Didnt work. I mean, I didnt do this in one day. I tried a few every so often. But then , I realized how you can recover it through email. SO that is what I did, and I changed my password to something I would def remember, a password used for many other things of mine. So its all good now.
This post is going to be kinda random. But, the other day, my friend and I were talking about different bands we are into. The convo then moved to the crazy names these bands had, and why in the world someone would want that as a band name. Its funny how we look from the outside in, and ask, What made them think of that? But all bands have a reason as to why their name is the way it is. Take The Distillers for instance.
"I saw it one this distillery in Melbourne; I'm from Australia originally. I lived in Geelong when I was 16, which is this small, industrial beach town. It's an hour outside of Melbourne, so you had to catch the train and one day I went by this distillery. It was falling down and looked like it was haunted by some cypress trees-it said The Distillers on the top, like 1878. I thought it was a great name for a band, so I always kept it."
Who wouldve thought that little thing triggered the name.
Or, another example, where did The Killers get their name?
"The band took their name from a New Order video titled 'Crystal'. It was featured on the bass drum of a fictional band in the video."

Here are some really awkard band names I know, and wonder how they came up with it :
I can make a mess like nobody's business
bloc party
Ted Leo and the pharmacists
Hot Hot Heat
Death Cab for Cutie
The Click Five
Built to Spill
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Flaming Lips
...and the list can go on
Its almost as if some people just decided to have their name the first thing they saw, or thought of. Like Orange Cone, or Wood Chair. Woah, sometimes....
So if you were wondering why I wasnt posting for a couple weeks, it was because I had forgotten my username and password. Normally, it signs me in automatically, so I didnt memorize them. But, I got signed out somehow, and therefore, I had to try and recover them, by typing in all the usernames I ever had, and all the passwords. Didnt work. I mean, I didnt do this in one day. I tried a few every so often. But then , I realized how you can recover it through email. SO that is what I did, and I changed my password to something I would def remember, a password used for many other things of mine. So its all good now.
This post is going to be kinda random. But, the other day, my friend and I were talking about different bands we are into. The convo then moved to the crazy names these bands had, and why in the world someone would want that as a band name. Its funny how we look from the outside in, and ask, What made them think of that? But all bands have a reason as to why their name is the way it is. Take The Distillers for instance.
"I saw it one this distillery in Melbourne; I'm from Australia originally. I lived in Geelong when I was 16, which is this small, industrial beach town. It's an hour outside of Melbourne, so you had to catch the train and one day I went by this distillery. It was falling down and looked like it was haunted by some cypress trees-it said The Distillers on the top, like 1878. I thought it was a great name for a band, so I always kept it."
Who wouldve thought that little thing triggered the name.
Or, another example, where did The Killers get their name?
"The band took their name from a New Order video titled 'Crystal'. It was featured on the bass drum of a fictional band in the video."

Here are some really awkard band names I know, and wonder how they came up with it :
I can make a mess like nobody's business
bloc party
Ted Leo and the pharmacists
Hot Hot Heat
Death Cab for Cutie
The Click Five
Built to Spill
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Flaming Lips
...and the list can go on
Its almost as if some people just decided to have their name the first thing they saw, or thought of. Like Orange Cone, or Wood Chair. Woah, sometimes....
At 8:54 PM,
Ambular said…
I am such a bad fan...sniff sniff
At 11:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
well, i was always inspired from eli to start a band and name it the Anchovy Trumpets. What's the inspiration for that one? Couldn't tell ya, but I'm sure it's like all the other weird ones out there that just sound so bizarre that it's cool.
At 10:08 AM,
Sadie Lou said…
I think the band members often throw a bunch of words into a hat and then pull them out randomly until they have themselves a band name:
Toad the Wet Sproket?
It works for that one doesn't it?
At 11:45 AM,
Ambular said…
Hahaha, good one Sadie.
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I always thought a great name for a Christian band would be "Refuse the Mark-of-the-Beastie-Boys".
At 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Refuse the mark of-the-Beastie--Boys?"
where did you get that?
At 7:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
I always thought "Man in the big yellow hat" would be a cool band name. (Think Curious George for those of you without children)Tried I did to convince them,(do I sound like Yoda?) but when the time came to say goodbye to "Tailspin Tom", Walker and his mates never agreed, so there it sat.
At 10:17 AM,
Levi Nunnink said…
I always thought that The Beatles would be a cool name for a band. It's kind of a pun: Beat-les, get it? I don't know why nobody ever snatched that one up.
At 1:06 PM,
Ambular said…
So last night, my friend and I went band hunting, and here are some of the weird band names we encountered...
minus the bear
Bedlight for Blueeyes
panic at the disco
the dandy warhols
as tall as lions
built like alaska
Oh...and my favorite :
string cheese incident
At 9:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ive always thought " the arm chair warriors" was cool.
At 3:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do a new post, this one became boring many moons ago.
At 9:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
By the way, that was Zach.
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:52 PM,
Ambular said…
Haha, no worries peoples, A new post will be delivered your way anyday now, its comin to me.
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