Marriage into Christ
A good friend of mine got baptized Sunday evening. He was raised episcapalion (sp?) with his parents, however, he started searching out a new faith a couple months ago. He went to a working campaign with our church two weeks ago, and was on fire for the Lord. Then he started questioning his purpose in life, and realized he needed a Savior. So he studied what he needed to do, and got baptized, turning his life over into God's hands. However, his father wasn't too pleased with his decision. He was discouraged, however, uplifted by the fact that he had many supporters outside his family, who knew what he did was right.
I can understand how a father or parent in any matter, would be confused about a situation like this, if they didnt believe the same thing. I mean, if my kid starting hanging out with a group of people I didnt know, and a group of people who believe a whole different thing than I did, i would be concerned.
I told my mom about the whole thingy, and she said that she could understand that also. However, she supports my friend in his decision, cuz he believes what we believe in. She also said that some people believe that baptism is a cult. But, this is what I compare baptism too. A wedding....a ceremony. Imagine that you love someone so much! You know he loves you also. You know you love him, you'd die for him. You want to commit your entire life for him, serving him in everyway possible. Now, you have a choice to know all of that, a just continue carrying it throughout life, without a wedding or making any serious commitment to him. Or, you can get married, and have a wedding. It doesnt matter how big the wedding is, what colors you used, how good the food was, all that matters is the fact that you are showing your commitment to that person, by having a wedding. You arent only showing it to the one you love, but also to those who attend. You are showing them, that you are promising to forever take care of this person, and love him. At your wedding, you exchange vows, give eachother rings, and then are pronounced man and wife. From that point on, you have a mission, that sometimes may seem impossible, but because of your love, you'll do it any ways. You wear that ring, in remembrance of your promise, and in rembrance of that person, and all the things you have been through together.
With that image, imagine that you and Jesus are getting married. Your baptism is the wedding. You are showing Jesus that you are going to be buried with him, and then raised, walking in a new life, together with him. You are going to commit your life to him, until death do you part. After you make your promises to Jesus, knowing that you are forever his, you get baptized, showing that you are now a Christian. You are now clothed in Christ. As a symbol for your comittment that you made, and all the things Jesus did for you, you take the communion, aka, the ring. You take it as much as possible, with the right mindset. You live your life for him from that moment on. At first things may seem so great, and easy, but eventually, things get old, your flame isnt as big. But that is for you to work on. Keep pressing on, even if your marriage with Christ seems iffy. Cuz he loves you, and you love him, thus shown through your baptism, which he commanded you to do.
Well, that was just on my mind. I had to get it out. I hope it made sense.
I can understand how a father or parent in any matter, would be confused about a situation like this, if they didnt believe the same thing. I mean, if my kid starting hanging out with a group of people I didnt know, and a group of people who believe a whole different thing than I did, i would be concerned.
I told my mom about the whole thingy, and she said that she could understand that also. However, she supports my friend in his decision, cuz he believes what we believe in. She also said that some people believe that baptism is a cult. But, this is what I compare baptism too. A wedding....a ceremony. Imagine that you love someone so much! You know he loves you also. You know you love him, you'd die for him. You want to commit your entire life for him, serving him in everyway possible. Now, you have a choice to know all of that, a just continue carrying it throughout life, without a wedding or making any serious commitment to him. Or, you can get married, and have a wedding. It doesnt matter how big the wedding is, what colors you used, how good the food was, all that matters is the fact that you are showing your commitment to that person, by having a wedding. You arent only showing it to the one you love, but also to those who attend. You are showing them, that you are promising to forever take care of this person, and love him. At your wedding, you exchange vows, give eachother rings, and then are pronounced man and wife. From that point on, you have a mission, that sometimes may seem impossible, but because of your love, you'll do it any ways. You wear that ring, in remembrance of your promise, and in rembrance of that person, and all the things you have been through together.
With that image, imagine that you and Jesus are getting married. Your baptism is the wedding. You are showing Jesus that you are going to be buried with him, and then raised, walking in a new life, together with him. You are going to commit your life to him, until death do you part. After you make your promises to Jesus, knowing that you are forever his, you get baptized, showing that you are now a Christian. You are now clothed in Christ. As a symbol for your comittment that you made, and all the things Jesus did for you, you take the communion, aka, the ring. You take it as much as possible, with the right mindset. You live your life for him from that moment on. At first things may seem so great, and easy, but eventually, things get old, your flame isnt as big. But that is for you to work on. Keep pressing on, even if your marriage with Christ seems iffy. Cuz he loves you, and you love him, thus shown through your baptism, which he commanded you to do.
Well, that was just on my mind. I had to get it out. I hope it made sense.
At 11:45 AM,
Levi Nunnink said…
Good analogy, Amber. In many ways, bamptism is like a marriage in how it's telling the world about your relationship/commitment to Christ.
It's also a beautiful picture of dying to our old selves and rising from the water as a new person in Jesus.
I like what Sam Houston said when he was baptized:
"I hear your sins were washed away," a friend said to him.
"I hope so," Houston replied. "But if they were all washed away, the Lord help the fish down below."
At 12:18 PM,
Ian said…
I think its cool that you think of these kind of things Amber. A wedding is by far one of the best things a couple can do to show each other just how much they love each other. I cant wait till I am married. It will be hard but it will be worth it by far.
At 5:04 PM,
Sadie Lou said…
You are a blessing Amber because it's so encouraging, as a parent, to actually know teens that love the Lord like you do and think about things like this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Baptism. I agree, it IS like a marriage of sorts.
I like Levi and Ian's comments too. Good stuff.
At 10:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I love the fact that we are " Married" to christ
At 12:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, that was so encouraging to read. I've heard that analogy before but not in so much detail and with so much heart put into it. Thanks so much for the reminder of my committment to Christ and how truly important it is for both of us. Keep those deep thoughts a-flowin my love!
At 9:05 PM,
Ambular said…
Thanks guys for your comments, I am glad you agree. And Zach, haha that one was a good one! True Dat!
At 12:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Amber. You are a smart girl. I think it is awsome that your friend got babtized. Hopefully he is still trying to honor his parents too. When my hubby and I were dating, and before, I wanted to go to church and serve the Lord. My parents are Catholic and thought that if I was going to go to church, it should be there. They didn't even go to mass but twice a year. I got to go to youth groups and bible studies, but not Sunday mornings. I really hated it, but the Lord uses these things for a reason, and he worked on my parents heart. I hope you can encourage your friend to draw near to the Lord and to be obey his parents at the same time. He will be blessed for doing the Lords will and this will be used as an example for his family. God answers prayers, even when we don't expect him to. You have a great analogy.
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Zach,
I'm just waiting for a responce to what I said, then a new post.
At 10:17 PM,
Ambular said…
Nikki- Im doing my best to encourage my friend. When he first started coming, his mom didnt like how much he was coming to things, so she started to not let him come certain activities, but now i think her heart is softened, and he is able to come to everything. This whole week, she let him come help with our vbs! way awesome!
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