What's in Your Bible??
So lately I've been noticing how insanely larger my Bible has been expanding. It doesnt lay flat any more. I know that this can be caused from the use of reading and turning the pages, however, something else was wrong with it. So I decided to check it out. It was because I had so much things hidden between the pages. Everytime I recieve a piece of paper, or something from someone, and my Bible is in arms reach, I normally stick it in there, cuz I know I wont loose it. So, here is what my Bible contained other than over 1000 pages...i have a small bible just to inform...
1) Gum Wrappers : I have much of these in my Bible. They are gum wrappers. I started collecting around last summer. This is why.....

Its called foil art. Haha, This is the back of my Bible. I peel the wrappers, and make designs and whatnot when Im bored. However, this really isnt a good example of the designs. I just plastered the back of my Bible with wrappers this time.
2) Attendence Records : Every Wednesday, after classes, I collect the attendence records for the bulletin. I usually throw them away, so I only have the one from this week in my Bible.

3) Love Notes : Haha this is from my little precious Kira Hooper.

4) Pictures : This is a pic that someone found not to long ago and gave to me of Kira and I from way back when....when my hair was long, sniff sniff.

5) Book Marks : Gum wrappers are good bookmarks, however, a couple years ago, I was really into making bookmarks. And since I love swing so much, I decided to make this book mark. Its really funny tho, cuz it was just last week, after having this thing for years, that I realized I had an error on it :( "It Don't Mean a thing if you ain't go that swing" ... did u catch it?

6) Celebrity Pictures : Alot of my friends have Froto pics or Johny Depp, even Orlando Bloom pics in their Bibles. However, last nite my friend gave me this. Its a pic of Brody Dalle's ( Band: The Distillers) eyes. I am one of her biggest fans.

7) Study Material : This is our study on Sunday Mornings called Gods Plan for Man. Its a study to help people understand why Jesus came and why to be baptized and its really good to have because alot of questions come up that unblieving people would ask, and this sheet helps you so u can answer them...u might be able to see my notes written in pen and little mind triggers.

8) More Pics : This is a pic of my dad and I at a Valentines Dinner we had last year. A lady from the church took it and gave it to me.

Okay, well Thats that. Haha, sorry this post was kinda awkard. Hope you liked it.
1) Gum Wrappers : I have much of these in my Bible. They are gum wrappers. I started collecting around last summer. This is why.....

2) Attendence Records : Every Wednesday, after classes, I collect the attendence records for the bulletin. I usually throw them away, so I only have the one from this week in my Bible.

3) Love Notes : Haha this is from my little precious Kira Hooper.

4) Pictures : This is a pic that someone found not to long ago and gave to me of Kira and I from way back when....when my hair was long, sniff sniff.

5) Book Marks : Gum wrappers are good bookmarks, however, a couple years ago, I was really into making bookmarks. And since I love swing so much, I decided to make this book mark. Its really funny tho, cuz it was just last week, after having this thing for years, that I realized I had an error on it :( "It Don't Mean a thing if you ain't go that swing" ... did u catch it?

6) Celebrity Pictures : Alot of my friends have Froto pics or Johny Depp, even Orlando Bloom pics in their Bibles. However, last nite my friend gave me this. Its a pic of Brody Dalle's ( Band: The Distillers) eyes. I am one of her biggest fans.

7) Study Material : This is our study on Sunday Mornings called Gods Plan for Man. Its a study to help people understand why Jesus came and why to be baptized and its really good to have because alot of questions come up that unblieving people would ask, and this sheet helps you so u can answer them...u might be able to see my notes written in pen and little mind triggers.

8) More Pics : This is a pic of my dad and I at a Valentines Dinner we had last year. A lady from the church took it and gave it to me.

Okay, well Thats that. Haha, sorry this post was kinda awkard. Hope you liked it.
At 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Whats in my bible, pages and notes. and some other stuff, like that pic that I refused to show you the other night cause it was sooo bad. hahaha, stuff like that. cool pics. gum art is actually cool.~Zach
At 12:56 PM,
Sadie Lou said…
Neat post. I have invitations to birthday parties for my kids that they get at church, church flyers and bulletins, and flowers. My daughter picks me flowers all the time and they're usually too small to put in a vase so I stick them in my bible and they get all dried out and flat.
At 5:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
you collect gum wrappers?
At 9:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi again. I just wanted to say that your hair is so pretty! It looks like Eowyn in that picture. I want my hair to be long again so bad. Right now it is really stupid and looks like a clown trying to grow a mullet. ewww.
At 10:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Roslayn while your description of your hair made me laugh really hard, i would hardly describe it as that. Your lenght of hair is really pretty on u. hehe so dont be discouraged. ~Zach
At 12:54 PM,
Levi Nunnink said…
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At 12:56 PM,
Levi Nunnink said…
Roz, your description of your haircut made me laugh.
Still, your haircut can't be any worse than the shirt I wore last week. I was tired, it was dark in the closet and I'd never worn the thing. Big mistake!
With me, shirts must go through an approval process sort-of like American Idol. I'll give it a Saturday test-run -- the day that I see the fewest people. If things are going well I might carry over the wearing to Sunday (no one saw me on Saturday so they don't know that I'm wearing the same shirt 2 days in a row). If the vibe is still strong through Church then the shirt has worked itself into a temporary weekday rotation. To stay in the weekly rotaion I must feel attractive, and dashing whenever I wear it.
Obviously, I was insane or still asleep when I bypassed my entire system and randomly picked a shirt on that awful morning.
When I arrived at work, the result could only be described as a really bad version of Roger Younger. (That's not a knock on Roger's shirts. He's workin' his style. I just can't pull it off.)
It was almost as bad as the time that I was so tired getting dressed that I wore shoes from drastically different pairs to work.
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